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RogerFarnworth 29th October 2021 20:26

On the Slow Train
Recently, I have read another book by Michael Williams - "On the Slow Train." It was written a decade or so ago. It is an excellent, entertaining, gentle read bought cheaply secondhand with chapters of just the right length to read at the end of the day!



So, those of us who feel a nostalgic affinity for the heady, halcyon days when there was a branch-line to almost anywhere outside of major towns and cities, are back in vogue! We are, perhaps fortunate that not all of those wonderful old lines have disappeared. Writing around a decade ago, Michael Williams takes us on twelve ‘slow train’ journeys scattered across the UK in his book, ‘On the Slow Train’.

pre65 29th October 2021 20:32


I've just purchased a used one on Ebay for £2.03 inc postage. :D

pre65 6th November 2021 18:47

This book came in the post yesterday, and it's in very good condition considering the price.

I read the forward, and chapter 1 in bed last night.

I'm looking forward to reading chapter 2 later on. :D

tonyharker 6th November 2021 20:16

Reminds me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6OHD2uCpfU

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