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Old 7th July 2023, 08:48
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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A single sick worker blamed for widespread delays across Sydney train network

Here's one for Aussiesteve ;-)

Link... Sick signaller causes rail chaos

It's unusual this. IIUIC in the UK there is usually a Senior Signaller on the 'Back Desk' in most power boxes, and they are able to take over a panel if there's a missing signaller (even Bobbies get "caught short" sometimes).

Also sometimes signallers are able to work more than one panel, when things go wrong.

Interesting hint at problems here..
Graham said the delays put a “spotlight” on recruitment challenges in the industry.

“These are highly skilled jobs. It takes some time to recruit and train signallers. <snip> There are plans to address what has been a workforce shortage in that particular area.
Cheers, John

Last edited by Beeyar Wunby; 8th July 2023 at 17:34.
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